Yet commentary on the book of revelations

An issue that must be addressed before proceeding to an examination of the text of revelation is our basic hermeneutical approach to the book. Darrell johnson is one of the best preachers that i have had the pleasure of. When the lord jesus christ opens the seventh seal judgment, the immediate effect is silence in heaven. Read revelation 14 commentary using matthew henry commentary on the whole bible complete. Christ will bring forward this book of life, and show the names of the faithful, before god, and all the angels, at the great day. Written by wellknown and popular theologians, bible commentaries aid in the study of scripture by providing explanation and interpretation of biblical text. The book of revelation provides some of the keenest insights in scripture concerning the big picture of work. Top 5 commentaries on the book of revelation ligonier ministries. A dangerous wound given him, and yet unexpectedly healed, revelation.

The previous chapter ended with a short statement that the antichrist and his governmental system of ten horns shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate. The theology of the book of revelation new testament theology, richard bauckham the climax of prophecy. Revelation matthew henrys commentary bible gateway. First, we believe that the book of revelation must mean something. We hope this commentary is a beneficial study tool in your devotion to the word of god. Most recent commentaries reject a single view of the book preferring to blend two views, producing a commentary which grounds revelation in the first century yet emphasizes the value of the book for every christian throughout church history even to the second coming of jesus. Over the course of the churchs history there have been four main approaches. The apocalypse contains a prophetical description of the destruction of jerusalem, of the jewish war, and the civil wars of the romans. George eldon ladd a commentary on the revelation of john 1972. Written in 1891 for the novice student of the bible, this. As he eats it, accepts his mission, it is sweet,the words are sweet to the ears of those as he eats it, accepts his mission, it is sweet,the words are sweet to the ears of those. Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. The title of the book, revelation, comes from the greek word for apocalypse and refers to an unveiling or a disclosure of something as yet unknown. Osbornes approach to the book is to combine futurist and idealist readings of the book, with an emphasis on the future.

The preterist approach to revelation the unfolding of. Revelation 14 commentary matthew henry commentary on the. This book is written as an aid for pastors who want to preach through the book of revelation it might make a good gift for your pastor or your church library. Yet it is a tough nut to crack, not only because of its intrinsic difficulty but because of the myriad interpretations that have grown up around the book. Enduring word bible commentary revelation chapter 6. The book of revelation in the bible is one of the more difficult books of the bible to understand. An integrated digital bible study library including complete notes from the believers bible commentary and the cultural backgrounds study bible niv and nrsv is just a step away. A commentary on the book of revelation kindle edition by. Revelation 1 bible commentary matthew henry concise.

The book of revelation often called the revelation to john, apocalypse of john, the revelation from jesus christ from its opening words, the apocalypse, the revelation, or simply revelation is the final book of the new testament, and consequently is also the final book of the christian bible. He includes about 18 pages on the theology of the book. You can find the best commentary on revelation for. This verse describes a futuristic book seen by john, in the right hand of he who sat on the thro. The greek name of the bible book of revelation, apoka. This futuristic approach sees the book outlined as follows. Best commentaries on revelation without all that blood. An ancient commentary on the book of revelation this is a new critical edition, with translation and commentary, of the scholia in apocalypsin, which were falsely attributed to origen a century ago. For more on john the apostle, see the introduction in the life application bible commentary on the gospel of john. Though it is filled with signs, the book of revelation is accessible to those who have an understanding of the first 65 books of the bible, and especially an. The destruction of babylon the great 1 and after these things i saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power. The first time our lord came into this world, he came in the veil of flesh. Those who think revelation is mostly a book of history believe that this rider is jesus, the apostles, or the roman emperors.

Originally written in 1706, matthew henrys six volume complete commentary provides an exhaustive look at every verse in the bible. They are also supposed to have derived their origin from nicolas, one of the seven deacons mentioned acts 6. When jesus gave his life on the cross, he redeemed the earth back to god, but god hasnt taken possession of it yet. It is only when we start to overallegorize it or to force its interpretation according to our preconceived ideas or doctrines about the end. The deeds of the nicolaitanes these were, as is commonly supposed, a sect of the gnostics, who taught the most impure doctrines, and followed the most impure practices. Biblical studiesnew testament commentariesrevelationchapter 17. Christ is with his church and in the midst of her in all her troubles. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading a commentary on the book of revelation. Perhaps no book in the bible fascinates people more than revelation. Yet relatively few people have studied the book, especially from a catholic perspective.

However, johnsons book also serves as an excellent commentary and devotional book in its own right. The futurist approach understands everything from revelation 4. You can find the best commentary on revelation for you using the tools on the right side. Before beginning to go through the content of revelation, we recommend that you read through the introduction, overview, and hermeneutical sections to familiarize yourself with the framework concerning this incredible book of god. Have the events of the book of revelations already. He was, and is not, and yet is, or, according to other copies. The mystery of the beast is first explained, and the beast is considered first in general, revelation 17. Christ has his book of life, a register of all who shall inherit eternal life. The revelation of jesus christ a commentary on the book. We can know the book of revelation speaks with clarity about the end times because of two central principles drawn from revelation 1.

Watch our overview video on the book of revelation, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. In fact, the opening passage contains a blessing to everyone who reads, hears, and keeps the words of this prophecy. Insists that the events of chapters 622, are yet future, and that those chapters literally and symbolically depict actual people and events yet to appear on the world scene. The phrase, many waters, may be a reference to images of the city, babylon, which had extensive irrigation systems. Best commentaries on revelation without all that blood moon. Beale the book of revelation new international greek testament commentary, 1999.

Revelation baker exegetical commentary on the new testament. Verses 15 here we have one of the most pleasing sights that can be viewed in this worldthe lord jesus christ at the head of his faithful adherents and attendants. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked people, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false. Contextually with all the aforementioned in consideration, when moving from the gospels to the book of acts and panning from there to the book of romans, one is compelled to leave off ones fascination with the work of god among the jews and begin a new fascination with gods work among the gentiles, not knowing whereunto this work shall grow. Best commentaries and books on revelation logos bible software. A commentary of the book of revelation the revelation of jesus christ 20 by cooper p. An easyenglish bible version and commentary 2800 word vocabulary on the book of revelation. Book of revelation explained scripture by scripture. He is revealed in revelation as the risen, reigning, resurrected, exalted, glorified lord. Though christ is himself god, and has light and life in himself, yet. Those who believe that this is a prophetic passage, yet to be fulfilled, often account this rider to be the antichrist. Revelation chapter matthew henry complete commentary.

This commentary has been through advanced checking. Asia in this book is part of the country that we now call turkey. But he was on the island called patmos when he wrote this book. This is a book that jesus gave to show his servants something. I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. We hope this dynamic commentary is a beneficial study tool in your devotion to the word of god. Studies on the book of revelation, richard bauckham gods timetable. The previous chapter ended with a short statement that the antichrist and his governmental system of ten horns shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her. Revelation 3 bible commentary matthew henry concise. He describes himself as their brother in the family of god. Sep 30, 2015 this book is written as an aid for pastors who want to preach through the book of revelation it might make a good gift for your pastor or your church library. The nicolaitanes taught the community of wives, that adultery and fornication were. He includes two pages on mission in revelation, a topic which is not among the first things one thinks of when reading revelation.

The divine origin, the design, and the importance of this book. The book of revelation, often called the book of revelations, revelation to john, apocalypse of john, the revelation, or simply revelation, the revelation from jesus christ from its opening words or the apocalypse, is the final book of the new testament, and therefore also the final book of the christian bible. This title is certainly appropriate for the book, a work so interested in making known the events of the future. The book of revelation is by far one of the most challenging books in the bible, yet well worth the effort to study and comprehend. In introducing this magnificent book, revelation chapter one uncovers and unveils the manifestation of the incomparable, glorious son of god.

A remarkable description of a very glorious angel with an open book in his hand v. Readers dont have to guess or research where revelation was written. This name indicates the meaning of revelation it uncovers matters that had been hidden and discloses events that would happen long after it was written. Mar 19, 2019 the book of revelation is by far one of the most challenging books in the bible, yet well worth the effort to study and comprehend. I am satisfied that no certain mode of interpreting the prophecies of this book has yet been found out, and i will not add another monument to the littleness or folly of the. While clearly conversant with current scholarship, the commentary is written with the pastor or teacher in mind and will be of real value to anyone planning to preach in revelation. Revelation then becomes merely a collection of stories designed to teach spiritual truth. A testimony of jesus christ is a commentary that explains some of the mysteries of revelation. A commentary on the book of revelation kindle edition by pawson, david. Others who believe that this chapter of the book of revelation refers rome, believe that this phrase could in fact refer to various ethnic groups of people, who were subjected to romes rule. Therefore, the material in this book is the final revelation from god addressees the things that john had seen in the past. Revelation overview, one of over 110 bible commentaries freely available, this commentary is one of the most respected interdenominational commentaries ever written. The book of revelation, a prophecy of warning and hope. Study revelation 1 using matthew henrys bible commentary concise to better.

To the church in ephesus to the angel of the church in ephesus write. Matthew henry commentary on the whole bible concise the codensed onevolume classic commentary. The solemn oath taken by him who had the book in his hand v. This represents the premillennial view held by fundamentalists and conservatives who correctly see the book of revelation as recording actual past, present and future history. Before beginning to go through the content of revelation, we recommend that you read through the, and sections to familiarize yourself with the framework concerning this incredible book of god. The everlasting gospel is of great concern to all the world. Enduring word bible commentary revelation chapter 1.

There is one event that we need to understand which opens up the rest of the book of revelation not revelations. This song places the church in heaven during the tribulation. Like most commentators, grant too easily dismisses the arguments for an early date of the book, but the commentary is still well worth consulting. It is called the revelation, because god therein discovers those things which. The book written within and without, and sealed with seven seals, revelation 5. Book of revelation overview insight for living ministries.

Its title is derived from the first word of the koine greek text. The book of revelation and work bible commentary theology of. The kingdom yet to come is an intriguing 11session study program that shows how the kingdom established by christ in his church is intimately connected with the kingdom of heaven. Opening the seventh seal and sounding the first four trumpets 1 and when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.

Aug, 2012 most recent commentaries reject a single view of the book preferring to blend two views, producing a commentary which grounds revelation in the first century yet emphasizes the value of the book for every christian throughout church history even to the second coming of jesus. Biblical studiesnew testament commentariesrevelation. An account of seven thunders which the apostle heard, as echoing to the voice of this angel, and communicating some discoveries, which the apostle was not yet allowed to write v. A testimony of jesus christ is a commentary that explains some. These comments include extensive sections from didymus the blinds lost commentary on the apocalypse. Osborne has written a massive yet manageable treatment of the new testaments concluding book. Whether you are just beginning to read scripture or have been studying the bible daily, commentaries offer greater understanding with background information on authorship, history, setting, and theme of the gospel. The point is that the revelation has been given to men by god to reveal not to confuse. The little book not rated yet the book could mean that it was a mission for john to perform.

This commentary on revelation will prove, contrary to what most people think, that the revelation, the last book of the bible, is not difficult to understand if we will take a simple, facevalue, commonsense approach to interpreting it. These are the words of him who holds the seven stars in his right hand and walks among the seven golden lampstands. The versebyverse commentary on revelation introduction this commentary on revelation will prove, contrary to what most people think, that the revelation, the last book of the bible, is not difficult to understand if we will take a simple, facevalue, commonsense approach to interpreting it. Some think that by this wounded head we are to understand the abolishing of pagan idolatry. Study the bible online using commentary on revelation 14 and more. Commentaries for the book of revelation the title 1. The book of revelation and work bible commentary theology. The book of revelation and the feast of weeks, daniel f. The crowned conqueror on the white horse armed with a bow, revelation 6. A commentary on the book of revelation chapter 8 opening. Others who believe that this chapter of the book of revelation refers rome, believe that this phrase could in fact refer to various ethnic groups of.

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